Project: Steel Bowls

Client: Craft Lake City ’11

Purpose: Kicking ass

Other: Rocking out

For this year’s annual craft lake city festival, i somewhat miraculously pulled together a series of laser-cut steel baskets inspired by the art of psychedelia and tricky folding. at the festival, a slew of people asked if i’d be selling these products online… for now, i’m very happy to make business transactions via this website and my e-mail.



Florid (stainless steel pictured here) – by aaron basil nelson

Swarm (stainless steel pictured here) – by aaron basil nelson

Bubbowl (stainless steel pictured here) – by aaron basil nelson and ai fujii nelson

Splash (steel pictured here) – by aaron basil nelson

The Swarm Basket – Version 2.0


ちなみにスプラッシュは図の逆さまでもかわいいフルーツボウルになるよ〜! すこし曲げてカーブをつけたりして楽しんでね!